Massage Classes in McAllen and Pharr has open enrollment!

Massage classes in mcallen

Massage Masters, offering massage classes in McAllen & Pharr now has open enrollment for massage therapy courses! If you have been wanting to become a licensed massage therapist, now is as good time as any!

Massage classes at Massage Masters School are typically smaller and more concentrated. This gives us a great student to teacher ratio which allows us to work more closely with everyone on anything we need to.

Bilingual training, part time schedule, low monthly payment plans are also some of the other reasons to come to Massage Masters.

The Growing Need for Massage Therapists

In the competitive economy of modern day living, it has become very important to find a career which has a high demand for jobs in order to promote job security. If you are looking to start a new career that meets this requirement, then a career in Massage Therapy may be perfect for you! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the projected demand for professionals in the field of Massage Therapy is expected to grow by 20% between 2010 and 2020, making Massage Therapy a much-needed growing portion of the job market.

With many insurance policies now including massage therapy as part of coverage, its no wonder more and more people are able to get massages. From therapeutic, to general relaxation and stress or to specialty massages such as trigger points, cellulite & lymph, and more, the career possibilities available to you are endless.

Massage classes at Massage Masters School include at least 500 hours of training which consist of subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, Pathology, Hydrotherapy, Health, Hygiene, Business practices, and of course massage training.

Give Massage Masters School, offering massage classes in mcallen, a call at (956)787-9100 to find out how easy it is to get started. You can become licensed in less than 1 year!

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